Podcasts – Worth Listening to
Answering the Call – A series of conversations on people who have responded to God’s call. This series is in conjunction with the Year of Vocation a Vocations Ireland – HERE
Episode 1 – Brother Ronan Sharply and Brother Jacob Pozzerlo Franciscans OFM HERE
Episode 2- Archbishop Kieran O Reilly – HERE
Episode 3 – Sr Karol OSB Kylemore Abbey – HERE
Episode 4 – Sr Faustina – Poor Clares Galway – HERE
Episode 5 – Br Bryan Shortall OFM CAP – HERE
Episode 6 – Sr Marie Dunne Here
Episode 7 – Sr Maria – Redemptoristine HERE
Episode 8 – Sr Anne Marie – Redemptoristine – HERE
Watch some of our Video Testimonies HERE
Mission Possible Podcast
Documentary on Newstalk airs the premiere of ‘MISSION POSSIBLE’ produced by award winning producer Grainne McPolin. The program tells the fascinating story of five religious Irish women who worked in the missions abroad; why these women chose the life that they did and the challenges they faced not only on their missionary posting but also the difficulties encountered on return home to Ireland
It takes a special kind of person to be a missionary, to sacrifice home and family life and dedicate your life serving the poor, vulnerable and those on the margins of society in a foreign country thousands of miles away from everything you know to be familiar. Can you imagine to not only overcome language and culture barriers but also be the target of rebel groups and gangs?. This is the story of how the extraordinary Irish women religious attained: ‘Mission Possible’
‘Mission Possible’ offers an insight into the women`s early life in the convent, living in a community with other women, the challenges faced by the Irish Missionary Sisters and the bravery and sacrifice made by so many in their efforts to make a positive contribution to the lives of others.
‘MISSION POSSIBLE’ is available as a podcast. https://www.newstalk.com/podcasts
Mercy Echoes
MIA is an organisation of the leaders of Mercy Congregations, Institutes and Federations throughout the world, founded to serve the Sisters of Mercy, their associates and partners in ministry.
The purpose of this Association is to inspire Sisters of Mercy and their Associates to incarnate the spirit o Catherine McAuley in ways which are creative and appropriate to the needs of our time and to foster unity of mind and heart among Sisters of Mercy worldwide.
Listen to Episode One Here: Mercy Echoes Episode One | Mercy World
Dr. Toni Pyke – Belonging | Divine Election: A Christian Guide to Irish Politics
Dr. Toni Pyke, Justice, Peace and Ecology Coordinator for AMRI features on Divine Election: A Christian Guide to Irish Politics
A Christian Guide to Irish Politics
Episode 5 of Divine Election, listen here: Dr Toni Pyke – Belonging | Divine Election: A Christian Guide to Irish Politics