The newest nun in Ireland

Sr. Máire Bríd professed her Solemn Vows as a Redemptoristine

Speaking to The Sunday Times about her vocation Sr Maire Brid says: “It starts with faith. If you believe in God, if you have that relationship. For me, it was just a draw and I followed that draw. I couldn’t ignore it, so I just kept following it. It led me to here and each day has been a day of listening to that draw. It’s just the path for me. It’s not for everyone,” she said, adding that she would encourage other young people to “open their hearts” and be conscious of the “deep meaning” that a religious life can bring.

To raise awareness of religious life, Ireland’s newest nun invited The Sunday Times to witness her solemn profession of vows ceremony, the completion of an eight-year journey to fully join the Redemptoristine order, known as the red nuns because of the colour of their habits. Read the full article here:


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