Sr Josephine Enenmo OLA has been appointed Director of AMRI’s Religious Formation Ministry programme (formerly Loreto House). The programme continues to be very much valued and appreciated by many congregations who wish to offer an international intercultural formation programme to their members.
Most students tend to come from Africa or Asia, with a few from other parts of the world, and Ireland is appreciated as a location.
The next Religious Formation Ministry Programme will commence in September 2021. This will depend on international travel restrictions etc. relating to the current Covid-19 Pandemic. The Team is currently accepting and processing applications. We will endeavour to keep all applicants up to date with travel and quarantine restrictions in Ireland.
It was with great joy that the RFMP Team welcomed our new participants for the 2021/22 programme to Loreto House on Tuesday 19th October 2021. Coming from African and Asian countries they have already entered wholeheartedly into the spirit of RFMP and are relishing the opportunity to grow and learn together.
The programme staff are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the remaining participants from different corners of the world who are continuing to suffer the consequences of a backlog in the visa processing system. When they come they will be integrated into the group and brought up-to-date on the programme content.
As they continue this year’s journey they are open to responding to enquiries or expressions of interest from people regarding the 2022/23 programme. We look forward to hearing from you at
Feedback from previous Participants
Sr. Angela Nalikando Sianga, a Holy Cross Sister from Zambia, talks about her experience of the RFM Programme.
Fr. Asif Sardar, a diocesan priest from Pakistan, speaks about the benefits he experienced from the RFM Programme.