VC Members, staff and friends, we are very happy to host the

Daring to Hope Exhibition,

Irish Religious Sisters Embracing the Unknown (1923 to 2023)

at our VC Centre, 8 New Cabra Rd., Phibsboro, Dublin D07T1W2 

on Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd June next, 12.00 to 5.00 pm each day. All Welcome!


Told through photographs, videos and stories, this Portable Photographic Exhibition, compiled with the support of AMRI, reveals how Irish Religious Sisters often worked within a context of poverty, war, racial discrimination, strict religious and social mores, political unrest and grave injustice. This 100-year journey is shared via three phases.


Pre -Vat 11 (1923 – 1966) Pioneering Ministries 

Post-Vat 11 (1966 – 2000) Era of Great Change 

Contemporary (2000 – 2023) On going Ministries


Please see attached pamphlet for more detailed background to this interesting historical project.

 Many of us in VC have had the privilege of sharing our mission with these Brave, Pioneering Women, often working as allies alongside them, (in Phase 2 and 3 above, since VC was only founded in 1960). We are very happy to have this opportunity to showcase and honour them and express thanks to them for all their support, lifelong friendships, the endless cups of tea, their wise advice and compassionate insights into the lives and cultures of those among whom we ministered.

While the exhibition will be open for viewing all day and people are welcome to drop in at any time. an informal programme of 3 sessions will be in operation each day as follows:-                                                                        Session 1 at 1.00 pm                                                                                                                                                            Session 2 at 2.30 pm                                                                                                                                                            Session 3 at 4.00 pm

Each session will begin with A word of Welcome and a Short talk by a VC member, followed by informal spontaneous sharing of stories, reliving of memories and renewal of friendships by those present.                         

Light refreshments will be served on an ongoing basis. 

If you are still in contact with any of the Sisters, (or indeed the male missionaries!) with whom you collaborated on mission, please invite them to join us for one of the above sessions, on either Sat 22nd or Sun 23rd, so that you can spend some time together, down memory lane, while viewing the Daring to Hope Exhibition.

 VC Membership Committee, Nora Casey, Mary Winters, Denise Flack, Sarah Oates and Sally Roddy.

RSVP if possible with Session Number and Day if you are bringing some guests.

Viatores Christi

Volunteer Collaboration with Faith-Based Organisations

8 New Cabra Road


Dublin 7

Tel: 01 8689891